Hito / Mahou / Sutte Haite / Bukitcho / Shinu Toki mo Warattetai no yo (side A) (人 / 魔法 / 吸って、吐いて / ぶきっちょ / 死ぬ時も笑ってたいのよ (side A)) is a digital single released by PEDRO on November 4th, 2021. It consists of the first half of their final album, Gojitsu Aratamete Ukagaimasu (Side A of the LP release) as one continuous track. Upon its release, PEDRO mentioned that they would consider releasing Side B if Side A was streamed a lot, and followed through on their proposal 5 days later.
- Hito / Mahou / Sutte Haite / Bukitcho / Shinu Toki mo Warattetai no yo (side A)