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BiSH THE NEXT is an open audition that will take place in 2023. Announced on NTV's "Sukkiri" television programme on February 8th, the aim of the audition is to form an official successor group to BiSH, who will disband in June. There are no limitations of who can apply, and the BiSH members themselves will act as judges.

The first closing date of the audition was February 15th, 2023. Upon the audition's announcement, official Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and YouTube pages were opened for fans to follow the audition.

The audition aired as a televised reality TV series (similar to MONSTER IDOL but minus Kuro-chan's nonsense), with the first episode airing on April 8th, 2023.

Anyone who knows Japanese can apply for this audition, regardless of age or gender. The total number of applications was over 3000, cut down to 44.

For a guide of how to cover the audition camp, please see Guide: Audition Coverage


Spoiler warning!

Whoa there! Are you sure you want to go on? If you don't want to be spoiled, go back now! If you already know, or don't care, go forth, young slave!



Fw Do0iacAAXFRs


Past Finalists[]

  • Tamaki (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Sachiko (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Akira (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Risa (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Hatsuki (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Yuna (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Ren (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Juri (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Yuuka (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Yuri (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Kamyuu (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Miu (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Nanaho (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Rena (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Sakura (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Miyuu (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Akie (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Ryounosuke (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Haruto (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Shungo (Eliminated Episode 1)
  • Kaede (Eliminated Episode 3)
  • Kotoha (Eliminated Episode 3)
  • Yuuri (Eliminated Episode 3)
  • Eiyu (Eliminated Episode 3)
  • Otoha (Eliminated Episode 3)
  • Jou (Eliminated Episode 3)
  • Haruki (Eliminated Episode 6)
  • Haru (Eliminated Episode 6)
  • Otoha (Eliminated Episode 6)
  • Suzuka (Eliminated Episode 6)
  • Uta (Eliminated Episode 6)
  • Momoka (Eliminated Episode 6)
  • Yuuya (Eliminated Episode 10)
  • Riko (Eliminated Episode 10)
  • Maaya (Eliminated Episode 10)
  • Kisaki (Eliminated Episode 10)
  • Koumi (Eliminated Episode 10)
  • Kiichi (Eliminated Episode 10)


No. Airdate Summary Eliminations
1 04/08 Round 1 named "Random 5h", which is free grouping, and finally divided into ten groups. Each group were to work together to perform the vocal and choreography performance of TWICE's The Feels. They were given a 5 hours to work together as their teams to arrange the formation of the performances between themselves. After the performance, after discussion, 20 qualified to enter the next round. All 24 of the of the eliminated contestants will be able to have a chance to revive in following time. The four contestants with the first to get the beach flag will be revived. Otoha, Yuuri, Tamaki, Sachiko, Akira, Risa, Hatsuki, Yuna, Ren, Juri, Yuuka, Yuri, Kamyuu, Miu, Nanaho, Rena, Sakura, Miyuu, Akie, Eiyu, Ryounosuke, Jou, Haruto, Shungo
2 04/15 Answer the name of the staff, participants who took the beach flag can get the right to answer, two contestants answered correctly and revived, the remaining contestants could not answer, and the remaining two contestants were selected by Hashiyasume Atsuko with playing rock paper scissors. Round 2 named "Group Judging", Watanabe sorted them into four groups of six and gave each group the freedom to pick which song they want to perform. The teams and songs picked were as follows:
  • Team A: Performing CITRUS by Da-iCE
  • Team B: Performing 恋音と雨空 by AAA
  • Team C: Performing Boom Boom Back by BE:FIRST
  • Team D: Performing if... by DA PUMP

Individual practice, a week later, team practice, 4 hours later, round 2 interim check. During the period of which the teams were practicing, they were each called one-by-one for an individual interview with Watanabe and BiSH. After interim check, a Written Test took place, the contents of the test are the words that Watanabe and BiSH gave to the participants during the audition, and the names of the participants.

(Yuuri, Eiyu, Otoha, Jou revived)
3 04/22 Announcement of the results of the written test to see humanity. During the last interview, it was announced that a “PET bottle challenge” that looked at the same human nature was conducted, a test to see if a PET bottle dropped on the ground could be put in a trash can. Then, Round 2 screening take place, 16 qualified to enter the next round. All 8 of the of the eliminated contestants, two will be able to have a chance to revive, which selected by 16 contestants who qualified to enter the next round. Kaede, Kotoha, Yuuri, Eiyu, Otoha, Jou
4 04/29 Round 3 named "BiSH Screening", divide the BiSH members into 3 groups, draft 6 contestants each. Each group were supported by BiSH members to work together to perform the vocal and choreography performance of BiSH's in case.... Before round 3 interim check, individual interviews with their group support BiSH members. During a individual interview, Watanabe puts a surprise on the BiSH members to test the seriousness of BiSH.
5 05/06 Round 3 interim check "Non-stop performance", continued performing BiSH's in case... until the music stopped, finally performed 14 times. After the performance, the standings were announced. A training camp was held in Fukushima Prefecture, with dancer Nakasone Rino and voice trainer Sato Ryoko as guest instructors. During the training camp, a honey trap is held to check humanity.
6 05/27 Round 3 screening take place. Haruki, Haru, Otoha, Suzuka, Uta, Momoka
7 06/10 Round 4 named "Kouhaku Group Judging", men and women are divided into groups. Each group were to work together to perform the vocal and choreography performance of Patient!!, which will be the BiSH Successor Unit's debut song. Final Round named "Match-up Judging", Watanabe sorted them into two groups of six, named "Bi Team" and "SH Team", two groups will perform the same songs, the two groups who are in charge of the same part will compete, and the winner will make their debut.
8 06/17 Final Round announcement will be broadcast live on July 1, and audience voting will also take place. Each group were to work together to perform the vocal and choreography performance of Patient!! and THE NEXT. Final Round interim check will take place a week later, with performances in front of an audience.
9 06/24 BiSH members say a message one by one. After that, the group name was announced. Final Round screening take place, each team performed the first song THE NEXT.
10 07/01 Final Round screening take place, each group live performance of Patient!! on TV. Viewers, BiSH and Watanabe's voting results have been revealed, and the debut members have been decided. Yuuya, Riko, Maaya, Kisaki, Koumi, Kiichi

External Links[]

Preceded by
Audition Camps
Succeeded by